4 March 2022
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It’s been quite some time since I blogged but next Tuesday Hughenden Parish Council meets again.
On 1 February the Council consisted of only 2 councillors – Cllr Kearey and myself. The Council was inquorate and could not take any decisions.
Bucks Council then appointed the ward councillors for Bucks Council i.e. Cllrs Carroll, Broadbent and Harriss, to be parish councillors. The parish council then became quorate again and will meet on 8 March.
Seven residents have applied to be co-opted and once that is done, the BC ward councillors can step down from Hughenden Parish Council.
And essentially Hughenden Parish Council will be reborn.
This might be going a bit far but I am sure change will happen.
The agenda and papers are on HPC’s website at Agenda-Bundle-2022.03.08.pdf (hughenden-pc.gov.uk).
If you are thinking of coming, please note the Council is meeting at Church House at St Michael and All Angels Church. Go to Hughenden National Trust, park in the lower carpark, walk past the Church and Church House is on the left. I suggest you bring a torch.
There will still be 6 vacancies on Hughenden Parish Council. Details can be obtained from Helen Hogan, Acting Clerk at clerk@hughenden-pc.gov.uk.