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Mastermind quiz on Hughenden Parish Council

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15 October 2023

Just for a change, let’s have a quiz. Your specialist subject is Hughenden Parish Council. No cheating and looking at my blogs; you have to rely on HPC’s information for the answers.

1. a) What are HPC’s priorities for 2023/4?

b) What are its objectives?

c) Is HPC meeting its objectives?

2. The last Full Council meeting took place on 19 September, nearly 4 weeks ago.

a) What was this meeting all about?

b) How much money did the Council authorise on agenda items?

c) What was the outcome of the meeting?

3. a) What is HPC’s budget for 2023/4 in terms of planned income and expenditure?

b) How is HPC progressing against its budget?

c) How much does HPC have in the bank?

d) How much does HPC propose to tax you next year?

4. a) How many people work for HPC?

b) What are their names and what do they do?

c) In particular, who is HPC’s Clerk?

d) Who is HPC’s Responsible Financial Officer (a statutory post)?

5. Finally, on a personal note, an Extraordinary Council meeting on 26 September considered additional sanctions, proposed by Cllr Main, to be imposed on me. The draft minutes, which have not been circulated to me, confirm that Cllr Main’s proposals would have been unlawful.

Council resolved to ask me to remove the now ex-Clerk’s name from all my blogs and not to use the names of councillors or other officers in my blogs. Council has not asked me to do this (yet). In the meantime: -

a) When did I name the ex-Clerk in my blogs - and what did I say?

b) When did I name a councillor or other officers in my blogs - and what did I say?

c) Why does Council think I shouldn’t use names when I report what people say at public Council meetings?

d) What have I done to warrant the personal and damaging statement made by the Council on its website?

Answers welcomed, including from HPC councillors. I will provide my answers sometime at the end of next week.

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I seriously think that you are doing an amazing job of putting up with the treatment you have been receiving by other councillors . They would be better spending their time solving local problems rather that waisting time on petty in-fighting

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