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18 May 2021

I became a parish councillor on 10 May and the first meeting is tonight. So, it seems an appropriate time to start blogging.
I’m going to start with an e-mail written on 6 April by Debra Main, a parish councillor who represented Widmer End until she decided not to stand at the elections. This is what she wrote to her fellow councillors:-
“Dear councillors,
A short note to share my decision not to nominate for election. The council faces a number of challenges at this time, and I don’t feel my skills, experience and values are compatible in the current circumstances.
The lack of openness on key council decisions is not acceptable in my opinion, and is not conducive to operating successfully. To be met with fierce resistance when I requested a recorded vote, was astounding and goes against every ethic contained within public service and transparency. This kind of battle should not be required to achieve such a basic level of good practice.
During my short time involved with the council, I’ve been saddened by some of my experiences, and the behaviour and culture of the organisation. For an employee to resign after highlighting her plight, is a clear indication that basic employment protections and practices are not in place. The lack of discussion and action following reflects on the core values of the council and definitely contributed to my decision. I don’t feel encouraged to be part of an organisation that lacks this fundamental respect for its employees. I’m also a firm believer in collaboration and the strength in diversity, so it was evident to me that these are not present in the day to day working of the council.
When I joined the council, I felt energised and excited at the possibilities of working within my own community, and yet very quickly my attempts to push projects forward, ask questions, learn and do, were heavily weighed down by excuses, defence, protection, obstacle, issue, challenge and an unwillingness to share documentation. In my 25 year career spanning the private sector, banking, education, central government advisory, and the charitable sector, I’m very used to leading and delivering high value projects, so it’s disappointing to face this environment.
There is much work for Hughenden Parish Council to do so I wish you all well.
I have heard similar accounts as this from other people on Hughenden Parish Council, mostly from women. However, this was the first time a serving councillor had expressed those views publicly. So thank you Debra for your honesty and bravery.
A few days later, I was notified that I had been elected uncontested to represent Widmer End on the Parish Council. And I could see the whole experience repeating. I would end up feeling I was hitting my head against a brick wall and have to walk away as many have done before.
So, I went to the next HPC Council meeting to express my concerns (using the 2-minute slot allowed for residents). I mentioned HPC’s poor reputation and that many good councillors had left in frustration. I pointed out that Debra had been so saddened by the behaviour and culture of the organisation that she decided not to stand again.
I said I was worried because I didn’t want to be another councillor who faced the sort of behaviour Debra had described.
I hoped that there would be a radical change in HPC’s culture. I hoped it would become open and transparent, inclusive and friendly and would think how it could support residents and be positive.
In response, the Chairman said he was sure things would be alright when I joined.
Well we will see.